All Relations between Epilepsy and representation

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
C Deblieck, G Pesenti, P Scifo, F Fazio, E Bricolo, G Lo Russo, G Scialfa, M Cossu, G Bottini, E Paules. Preserved functional competence of perilesional areas in drug-resistant epilepsy with lesion in supplementary motor cortex: fMRI and neuropsychological observations. NeuroImage. vol 20. issue 4. 2004-02-12. PMID:14683724. presurgical fmri results revealed a normal specialization of left sma and pre-sma, including a fine-grained somatotopy for mouth and hand representations despite epilepsy. 2004-02-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jennifer Saltzman-Benaiah, Katreena Scott, Mary Lou Smit. Factors associated with atypical speech representation in children with intractable epilepsy. Neuropsychologia. vol 41. issue 14. 2004-01-12. PMID:14572529. factors associated with atypical speech representation in children with intractable epilepsy. 2004-01-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jennifer Saltzman-Benaiah, Katreena Scott, Mary Lou Smit. Factors associated with atypical speech representation in children with intractable epilepsy. Neuropsychologia. vol 41. issue 14. 2004-01-12. PMID:14572529. the findings were similar to results previously reported in adults and children, suggesting that variables, such as age at seizure onset, laterality of seizure focus, location of seizure focus and handedness are related to the presentation of atypical speech representation in children with epilepsy. 2004-01-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
J Janszky, H Jokeit, D Heinemann, R Schulz, F G Woermann, A Ebne. Epileptic activity influences the speech organization in medial temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 126. issue Pt 9. 2003-10-24. PMID:12821521. atypical (right-sided or bilateral) language representation is more frequent in focal epilepsy than in healthy people. 2003-10-24 2023-08-12 human
Daniel M Branco, Tatiana M Coelho, Bianca M Branco, Letícia Schmidt, Maria E Calcagnotto, Mirna Portuguez, Eliseu Paglioli Neto, Eduardo Paglioli, André Palmini, José V Lima, Jaderson C Da Cost. Functional variability of the human cortical motor map: electrical stimulation findings in perirolandic epilepsy surgery. Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society. vol 20. issue 1. 2003-05-21. PMID:12684554. the purpose of this study was to assess the cortical representation of sensorimotor functions in patients undergoing perirolandic epilepsy surgery, focusing on somatotopy, mosaicism, and variability of function in relation to the classic motor homunculus. 2003-05-21 2023-08-12 human
Jennifer Saltzman, Mary Lou Smith, Katreena Scot. The impact of age at seizure onset on the likelihood of atypical language representation in children with intractable epilepsy. Brain and cognition. vol 48. issue 2-3. 2002-10-16. PMID:12030499. the impact of age at seizure onset on the likelihood of atypical language representation in children with intractable epilepsy. 2002-10-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jennifer Saltzman, Mary Lou Smith, Katreena Scot. The impact of age at seizure onset on the likelihood of atypical language representation in children with intractable epilepsy. Brain and cognition. vol 48. issue 2-3. 2002-10-16. PMID:12030499. this study examined the likelihood of typical versus atypical speech representation in children with intractable epilepsy (n = 75). 2002-10-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
Douglas A Coulter, Dan C McIntyre, Wolfgang Lösche. Animal models of limbic epilepsies: what can they tell us? Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland). vol 12. issue 2. 2002-10-11. PMID:11958378. these models share various features with one another, and also differ in many aspects, providing a broader representation of the full spectrum of clinical limbic epilepsies. 2002-10-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
J Gutiérrez, R Alcántara, V Medin. Analysis and localization of epileptic events using wavelet packets. Medical engineering & physics. vol 23. issue 9. 2002-02-28. PMID:11755807. this article compares results obtained in previous studies using time-frequency representations (wigner-ville, choi-williams and parametric) and the wavelet transform with those obtained with wavelet packet functions to show new findings about their quality in the analysis of ecog recordings in human intractable epilepsy: data from 21 patients have been analyzed and processed with four types of wavelet functions, including orthogonal, biorthogonal and non-orthogonal basis. 2002-02-28 2023-08-12 human
M A Fernandes, M L Smit. Comparing the Fused Dichotic Words Test and the Intracarotid Amobarbital Procedure in children with epilepsy. Neuropsychologia. vol 38. issue 9. 2000-09-19. PMID:10865097. the validity of the fused dichotic words test (fdwt) in predicting the nature of speech representation, as determined by the intracarotid amobarbital procedure (iap), was examined in a sample of 28 children with epilepsy. 2000-09-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Billingsley, M L Smit. Intelligence profiles in children and adolescents with left temporal lobe epilepsy: relationship to language laterality. Brain and cognition. vol 43. issue 1-3. 2000-08-23. PMID:10857660. atypical speech representation in children and adolescents with early temporal-lobe epilepsy appears to be associated with lowered performance on both verbal and nonverbal iq subtests. 2000-08-23 2023-08-12 human
M A Fernandes, M L Smit. Controlling for stimulus dominance effects in the Fused Dichotic Words Test when predicting speech lateralization in children. Brain and cognition. vol 43. issue 1-3. 2000-08-23. PMID:10857692. a log-linear analysis (grimshaw et al., 1994) of fused dichotic words test data was examined in a sample of 28 children with epilepsy who had undergone the intracarotid amobarbital procedure to determine the nature of speech representation. 2000-08-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
S Kemp, S Morley, E Anderso. Coping with epilepsy: do illness representations play a role? The British journal of clinical psychology. vol 38. issue 1. 1999-06-07. PMID:10212736. coping with epilepsy: do illness representations play a role? 1999-06-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
S Kemp, S Morley, E Anderso. Coping with epilepsy: do illness representations play a role? The British journal of clinical psychology. vol 38. issue 1. 1999-06-07. PMID:10212736. to determine the relative contributions of neuroepilepsy, coping and illness representation variables to psychological adjustment in epilepsy. 1999-06-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
S R Benbadis, J R Binder, S J Swanson, M Fischer, T A Hammeke, G L Morris, J A Frost, J A Springe. Is speech arrest during wada testing a valid method for determining hemispheric representation of language? Brain and language. vol 65. issue 3. 1999-01-14. PMID:9843613. the intracarotid amobarbital procedure, or wada test, is the method of choice to determine hemispheric representation of language, and is routinely used in the presurgical evaluation for intractable epilepsy. 1999-01-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Beaussart, J Beaussart-Defaye, J M Lamiaux, J C Gruba. Epileptic drivers--a study of 1,089 patients. Medicine and law. vol 16. issue 2. 1997-08-18. PMID:9212622. although seizures occur more frequently in patients suffering from complex partial seizures as opposed to other forms of epileptic seizures, the differences between patients with epilepsy lies mostly in their behaviour and in their own representation of the risks. 1997-08-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Duchowny, P Jayakar, A S Harvey, T Resnick, L Alvarez, P Dean, B Levi. Language cortex representation: effects of developmental versus acquired pathology. Annals of neurology. vol 40. issue 1. 1996-08-21. PMID:8687189. relatively little is known about language cortex representation in patients with developmental pathology and epilepsy. 1996-08-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
C Do Marcolino, M Baulac, D Samson-Dollfu. [Topographic analysis of interictal spikes in the presurgical evaluation of severe partial epilepsy]. Neurophysiologie clinique = Clinical neurophysiology. vol 24. issue 1. 1994-04-04. PMID:8121334. a more complete analysis of interictal spike by scd representation should be useful in présurgical evaluation of patients with focal epilepsy. 1994-04-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
V K Patel, L C Abbott, A K Rattan, G A Tejwan. Increased methionine-enkephalin levels in genetically epileptic (tg/tg) mice. Brain research bulletin. vol 27. issue 6. 1992-03-24. PMID:1686215. the "tottering" (tg/tg) mouse provides an electrophysiological representation of generalized spontaneous human epilepsy. 1992-03-24 2023-08-11 mouse
S A Schwartz, K E Gordon, M V Johnston, G W Goldstei. Use of intravenous immune globulin in the treatment of seizure disorders. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology. vol 84. issue 4 Pt 2. 1989-11-21. PMID:2794301. moreover, there appears to be disproportionate representation of persons with coexisting humoral immune deficiencies among patients with chronic epilepsy. 1989-11-21 2023-08-11 Not clear